Going for a Doctor visit used to be stressful. Concerned about the diagnosis, concerned if it would be treatable,concerned if its serious enough to require hospital. And,in the past, there have been providers with an attitude, not very welcoming. Since ive had Dr. Faltas as a health care provider,i have no apprehensions about any of those things. Dr. Faltas& his staff are just simply the best. Always greet you in a warm, friendly manner. Always caring& at the same time professional. And do their job like so many these days dont. Staff member Ne.especially who always goes above& beyond& can always count on her for resolve. I cant say enough about Dr.Faltas,kind,intelligient, caring, professional. Now when i go for a Dr visit,im not apprehensive, because i trust whatever Dr. Faltas tells me is going to be right& will be taken care of.
Gloria S. | Jul 28, 2024